Volume 06,Issue 04

Influence of Using Smartphones in the Teaching-learning Process of Systems Engineering’s Students in the National University of Trujillo


Alberto Mendoza De los Santos

Smartphones are very popular with young people, especially with university students. Actually, they take full advantage of the gadget, mainly in their communicative, entertainment and educational functionalities; these are, aspects of the social and educational field. Then, students from the School of Systems Engineering of the National University of Trujillo are not the exception. In fact, smartphones are currently one of the personal devices most used in their activities. In that way, the aim of this study was to determine the influence of using Smartphones in the teaching-learning process of the Systems Engineering’s students in the National University of Trujillo. To fulfill the objective, the literature related was reviewed, a questionnaire was developed and process to collect data related to the use of the Smartphones in Systems Engineering’s students, and finally statistical tests were carried out to be able to affirm that there is influence of using Smartphones in the teaching-learning process.

Keyword: University, Smartphones, University students.

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